Thursday, November 16, 2006

2008 Predictions Update

Here are my updated predictions for 2008. Governor Mark Warner has pulled out of the race which means the democrats will probably rely on Barack Obama or Hilary Clinton for their nomination. Governor Tom Vilsack could surprise us but there is little indication that would lead us to believe that. The nomination for the democrats will probably come from the Senate. The last Senator to go to the White House was John F. Kennedy and he barely got in. John Kerry tried to defy history in thelast election by not only going from the Senate to the White House but also selecting another Senator as his running mate. Governor Bill Richardson is often mentioned as a VP candidate. He was just reelected and is very popular in the state. If Obama does not run for president, expect him to be mentioned as a VP candidate. Either Richard of Obama could balance the ticket by drawing the minority vote.

George Allen's stock fell like a rock over the last several months and it made it look as though the G.O.P. nomination was John McCain's to lose. However, Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin announced that he will form an exploratory committee. Thompson could be one of the few viable candidate with executive experience. Other candidates have had a large start in fundraising but a lot can happen in two years. Governor Mitt Romney has thrown his hat in the ring also. It is probably safe to say that the G.O.P. nomination will go to either McCain, Romney, or Thompson.

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